Developing a transnational co-operation among Universities/organizations/public and private actors between Europe and Kazakhstan in terms of curricula reform, scientific cooperation, knowledge transfer, exchange of best practices, KUTEL supports the modernization of HE system, through the strengthening of QA framework, standards, guidelines for assessment/accreditation of distance courses which become nowadays a strategic need. QA indicators contribute to enhance the quality blended learning performance. To apply quality procedures/standards tested in European HEIs, a consortium of EU partners is needed. Transnational synergies will then reinforce the quality culture within academic global context. All this will have an impact on:
- Academic Staff (Lectures, HE QA accreditation reviewers, technicians, instructional designers) who will be trained in order to improve infrastructures, competences in Quality Assurance domain. KUTEL faces also the challenge of bridging the gap between the “old” methodologies of access to educative content and more “flexible and updated” teaching-learning strategies (continuously updated contents, open access and co-creation of resources and inter-institutional exchange). . This target group is responsible for modernisation of HE, it enforces international cooperation between HEIs in the EU and Central Asia in order to become mutual beneficiaries in terms of improving education results, establishing long lasting linkages, reinforcing capacity building in HE, dialogue and mutual understanding, core features to foster an EU - Central Asia Common HE Area.
- Students will indirectly benefit from the transnational cooperation system among Universities and organisations from EU and from Kazakhstan. This will bring learning processes closer to what they need to successfully join a dynamic knowledge-based society and job market. ‘T-shaped’ skills profile combining such transversal core skills (the horizontal bar) with the specific skills needed for a job (the vertical bar).